Hello sweet friends!
I decided to bake some chocolate scones today, but somehow they didn't come out that pretty, but they are delish! However, the 'ugly scones' inspired me to create a vignette in my breakfast nook in the kitchen and it'll stay like that for a while...without the ugly, but yummy scones, lol!
The motif for this vignette is mostly to have tea with Mother, Alejandro, Alexandra my DD, who has been visiting us for the last two weeks from the capital and now she's leaving us Sunday and I'm missing her already!
We've been having a wonderful time with her lovely, cheery and fun company.
Ok, here it is, hope you like it!
Here you have it, ready for Mother, hubby, DD Alex and me. Tea and scones in my vintage Oriental bone china dishes. |
The pattern in this vintage bone china dishes is very springy, with pretty cheery flowers and butterflies, as you can appreciate it here. |
More singing birdies here. |
The ugly, but yummy scones! |
Baby birdie waiting for his mama! |
Look how cute and funny he is..lol! |
More birdies perched on a bowl. This bowl was made at our former Ceramic Co. |
Besides the large bread bowl I use in the Fall, I also have this small wooden one, where I normally keep the fresh fruit in the kitchen and it has a sparkly gold wash. |
Mama bird feeding her baby in the mouth. This bowl was hand made back at our Factory and designed by me. |
At left this adorable porcelain egg tray I found recently and loved it! |
I hope to see you all at Kathleen's new challenge: "BIRDS, NESTS and EGGS" at Cuisine Kathleen. |
Here you have it, my Spring vignette in the kitchen nook. I will be joining Kathleen's challenge "BIRDS, NESTS and EGGS" at http://cuisinekathleen.blogspot.com I love the hand decorated, stained glass sky light on top; with hummingbirds and roses. In real life the colors are intense when lighted at night. One of these days I'm gonna paint the Duncan Phyfe chairs white, or ivory! Thank you sweet friends for visiting me, as you always make my day! Thanking the lovely and gracious hostesses for having me at their great parties. LOVE, FABBY I will be joining: Beverly for PINK Saturday at, http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com Saturday Show Off at, http://therosegardeninmalevik.blogspot.com Dolly for Farmgirl Friday at, http://hibiscushouse.blogspot.com Michael for Foodie Friday at, http://designbygollum.blogspot.com Saturday Sparks Linky Party at, http://piecedpastimes.blogspot.com It's Overflowing at, http://overflowingwithcreativity.blogspot.com Say G'Day at, http://natashainoz.blogspot.com A Bouquet of Talent Linky Party at, http://lakeshoredrive.blogspot.com Show and Tell at, http://www.bedifferentactnormal.com Alma for Seasonal Sunday at, http://thetablescaper.blogspot.com Marty for Inspire Me Tuesday at, http://astrollthrulife.blogspot.com Richella for Grace at Home No. 100! at, http://www.impartinggrace.com Suzanne for Saturday Sparks Linky Party at, http://piecedpastimes.blogspot.com Mary for Masterpiece Monday at, http://boogieboardcottage.blogspot.com Kathy for It's a Bouquet of Talent Linky Party at, http://www.lifeonlakeshoredrive.com Serenity Saturday at, http://www.serenityyou.com Inspire Me Monday at, http://www.createwithjoy.com Sandi for Tea Time Tuesday at, http://sandimyyellowdoor.com Bernideen for friends Sharing Tea at, http://blog.bernideens.com Terri for Tea Cup Tuesday at, http://artfulaffirmations.blogspot.com Martha for TEA CUPS & BUNNIES at, http://www.marthasfavorites.com Ma. Elena for Tuesdays at our Home at, http://mariaelenasdecor.blogspot.com Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at, http://linda-coastalcharm.blogspot.com Susy for THE SCOOP at, http://www.worthingcourt.com Kathe for You're Gonna Love it Tuesday at, http://www.kathewithane.com Let's Dish "BIRDS, NEST AND EGGS" challenge at, http://cuisinekathleen.blogspot.com Paula for What's it Wednesday at, http://ivyandelephants.blogspot.com Wordless Wednesday at, http://www.createwithjoy.com What We Accomplished Wednesday at, http://www.greenwillopond.com Wednesdays Adorned from Above at, http://www.adornedfromabove.com Cottage Style Party at, http://lavendergardencottage.blogspot.com Angel for Wake up Wednesnay Linky Party at, http://sewcraftyangel.blogspot.com Sarah for The Homemaking Party at, http://www.hopeineveryseason.com Cathy for Home and Garden Thursday at, http://www.adelightsomelife.com Leslie for Create it Thursday at, http://www.lambertslately.com Vintage Thingie Thursday at, http://coloradolady.blogspot.com Centerpiece Wednesday at, http://thestylesisters.blogspot.com Shabbilishious Friday Linky Party at, http://www.shabbyartboutique.com Kaysi for Fun Easter Projects at, http://www.keepingitsimple.com Linda for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at, http://lindacoastalcharm.blogspot.com Natasha for Say G'Day at, http://www.natashainoz.com ![]() I will be participating in Wow Us Wednesday at Savvy Southern Style. |