Monday, October 21, 2013

FABBY: Halloween in the Foyer Table

Hello sweet friends!

I've been a 'busy-bee' these days, specially all last week as we were having a dinner party Friday night for 14 very close friends and I wanted to gather them together with us at home before some of them start going on trips for the holidays, etc. You know how it is with dinner parties, all the cooking, the cleaning, the flower arranging and so much more details, sometimes it seems there's no end!   I will post it later on in the week.

I haven't been inspired for Halloween at all! I've been looking at so many fabulous and amazing Halloween tables and home decors that really, I had nothing in mind for a while, until DD Sofia brought me some cute dishes and others as she was just in Miami again, and my g'girls were so excited buying stuff for me, hehehe..too cute!  Anyhow, here it is my Halloween 2013 Table done up in the foyer's Antique French table, because I find this area and the table sort of dramatic.

Hope you like it and finally looking at it in a post, I hope I end up liking it too, as I do believe there are tablescapes that we love and some we're not totally enamored with and this one is one of those types, lol!

I am going away for a long weekend starting this Thursday, so I will see you Monday night next week!  Hugs

I enjoyed making this table just for the fun of it, as it does make me smile, specially the ugly critters!

I love the chandy, even if I have to clean it, hehehe.

...spiders all over the place!

yuk...there are some cockroaches! I love the disgusting part of Halloween too, specially when they're gifts from my little g'girls, LOL!

This is my fav part of the decor...the chandy with the creepy-crawlers which make the dirty black cobweb.

I love the cute dishes from dear Sofia, who brought them for me from Miami, she just got back again.

The stems are dusty...and for real, as I haven't used them eons, lol!

My sweet Victoria brought me the claw shaped salad thongs; she just loved them...and I do too!

The marble black and white floor and the 'real leopard skin' chair go perfect with the black dishes against the white table add a little more drama.

Look at this mess!

Victoria also gifted me the 'ugly rat' a couple of years ago, hihihi...

Everything seems to be so dusty here because of those creepy-crawlers all over the chandy and table!

I found this 'messy Halloween table' as soon as I walked in my I guess there will be lots of cleaning to do for me later!!!

So much abandonment and neglect here...a 'cucaracha' (cockroach) crawling in the fork!

Here you have it, my Halloween tablescape 2013 and a little dirty decorating as well, hehehe..

Thank you sweet friends for your sweet and kind visit, as you always make my day...specially when I don't like what I do completely!

Thanking the wonderful and gracious hostesses for having me at their parties each week.


I will be joining the following parties:

Marty for Inspire Me Tuesday at,
Kathryn for Make it Pretty Monday at,
Isabelle for Monday Linky Party at,
Sandi for Tea Time Tuesday at,
Kathy for A Return to Loveliness at,
Nita for Mod Mix Monday at,
The Scoop at,
Kathe for You're Gonna Love it at,
Angie for Knick of Time Tuesday at,
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at,
Mary for Tuesdays with a Twist at,
Paula and Patti for What's It Wednesday at,
Wordless Wednesday at,
Judy for Wordless Wednesday Linky at,
Sarah for Make, Bake, Create at,  http://hopeineveryseason.blogspot.comCenterpiece CenterĂ­ece Wednesday Linky Party at,
Deb for Cottage Style Party at,
Fall into Fall It's a Party at,
Let's Dish at,
Kim for Wow Us Wednesday at,
Riverton Housewives Roundup at,
Sherry for Open House at,
Kathy for Home and Garden Thursday at,
Leslie for Create it Thursday at,
Jenn for Share Your Cup Thursday at,
Ivonne for TUTORIALS, TIPS and TIDBITS at,
Debra for Be Inspired at,
Suzanne for Vintage Thingie Thursday at,
Richella for Grace at Home Party at,
Terri for It's a Party at,
Ladier Only Blog Share Party at,
Sherry for Home Sweet Home at,
Jody and Stan for Halloween Simple and Sweet Fridays at,
Jennifer for FCF Linky party at,

Between Naps On the Porch I will be participating in Tablescape Thursday at Between Naps on the Porch.

Savvy Southern Style



  1. Your tablescape is scary & elegant & I love it! An awesome place to enjoy a Halloween dinner.


  2. Great Halloween table, those dishes are wonderful. And the marble topped table, wow! xo

  3. LOL- Imagine those girls buying you DISHES of all things! I think it is cute, Fabby, but not the usual for you. Kinda spooky in a sweet way.

    I don't do much for Halloween- I am more about Fall than just Halloween Day but do a few things for it.

    What a wonderful dinner party you must give. I wish I were on the list of invitees! xo Diana

  4. I like it Fabby! I agree the shandy is my favorite as well as your new little dishes. They are perfect for your Halloween tablescape! Thank you for sharing.

  5. I love your chandy too Fabby! Halloween decor is hard for me to do as well...somehow I stumble thru! Hugs, Penny

  6. Oh my goodness Fabby, for someone wbo's not In TO halloween, you did a fantastic job!!!! I can only imagine what you could do if your were IN TO IT! Love it dear, it's fun to go 'out of the box' every once in a while right?! :-)

  7. cute! I don't do the Halloween thing, just lots of Fall. You got the scary look going on there!!

  8. Bonjour ma chère Fabby,

    Il est vrai qu'en France nous ne souhaitons guère la fête de Halloween.
    Je me réjouis toutefois de découvrir avec quel talent tu as réussi à créer cette atmosphère ténébreuse... mais avec un grand chic !
    Chaque détail est bien pensé et trouve sa place.
    Nul doute, l'ambiance est bien lĂ ... j'arrive comme une petite souris ! ☺
    Je te fais de gros bisous et vous souhaite une très belle fête.

  9. What an elegant creepiness, Fabby! LOL! Your room is full of creativity. I love your new plates, so nice of Sofia to remember you. You did a beautiful job...Christine

  10. Spooky never looked as beautiful as when YOU do it! Love it ALL!!

  11. You have been busy. The table setting is adorable, Fabby. Cute plates! I finally got some Halloween things out over the weekend. So happy I did. It makes me smile! ~ Sarah

  12. Your chandy is divine. And you did a great job with the fun, spooky table setting.

  13. ¡Fabuloso! I love the autumn plates and saucers that you used. Blessings, amiga mia!

  14. How cute, Fabby! I love the spider webs and the plates! They remind me of the whomping willow from Harry Potter. I have a candle that kind of looks like them!


  15. how cute Fabby's, your tablescape is scary, I love those plate.
    I LOL with your table!!!

  16. Halloween 2013 me ha encantado, esos platos son magníficos y todo acorde al acontecimiento, la araña que es magnífica. Me gustaron mucho las servilletas también.
    Tienes todo tan organizado que da gusto visitarte, un placer.
    Besos Fabby

  17. Fabby, your tablescape is very creative. You have a thoughtful daughter, and it all goes very well with your black and white floor. Thank you for sharing and coming to tea.


  18. You have certainly done a great job preparing the table and place for Halloween FABBY! Very creative. I love the chandelier. It is so beautiful.

  19. Fabby, those creepy webs are so dramatic and fun for Halloween. Love your eery tree plates too. You did a great job! Joni

  20. Fabby, that chandelier looks so spooky draped with black. I love it. Your new dishes are wonderful and I love all of the accessories that you put on the table. Great job - I am sure the little girls will love it!

  21. Well Fabby, it looks like you got into the Halloween spirit after all. The dishes your dear daughter bought you are so perfect for your theme. I love your chandy all spooked out. You made it fun, Fabby! xo

  22. Fabby, Your Halloween tablescape if fabulous. The plates are perfect for Halloween but also for a dramatic fall tablescape. The chandy looks a bit spooky but all in all I think everything (except the rat and cockroach) look elegant. Maybe because the marble top table and those lovely chairs are so elegant..... Candy

  23. I like elegance and eerie for Halloween and you have accomplished this. Love your plates for the Halloween table.

  24. I love it, Fabby! You can even make a table full of creepy crawlies look good. Your g'girls have the right idea. I wonder what your Halloween fare will be??? Something like "ghoul"ash, perhaps???

  25. Hi Fabby, thanks for visiting and becoming a follower, love your décor, the floor tile, chandelier, plates, everything! Beautiful, I will follow you as well, have a great weekend getaway!

  26. It looks great Fabby, cockroaches, rat and all. Hope you have a fun weekend. I'm going away too and can't wait!

  27. Fabby, your spooky Halloween tablescape is awesome!

    You spent so much time with all the details.

    I would love to be a guest at your table! Have fun!!

  28. Halloween revamping, is only thing I have hard to do apart from the pumpkins.

    It's so sad that Sweden are not in following this tradition.

    Gorgeous Fabby.

    /CC girl

  29. Fabby, this is so much fun, and yet you made the scary fun look elegant. Love those plates with the black birds in the trees. That chandelier is gorgeous, but I'm kind of scared of the creepy things crawling on it. Yikes! Have a good trip. laurie

  30. Perfect spookiness, Fabby. Enjoy your weekend. xo Laura

  31. Hi Fabby,
    I guess, this is the only time in the year where you have spider webs in your chandelier. Love the creepy Halloween decoration. Really cute.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  32. I'm thinking that you were having way to much fun here. The new plates are could also do a tribute to Edgar Allen Poe! The setting is perfect for your perfectly creepy table. I think that Miss Haversham would have been delightfully at home at this table. Thanks for inviting us for a peak. Cherry Kay

  33. I so want those plates your daughter brought back for you! Love all the details like the spider webbing! I'm sure the party will be lots of fun!

  34. You were right - this is the perfect setting for your table - what's Halloween with out some webs hanging from a gorgeous chandelier! What a perfect gift from your daughter - the plates are fabulous!!

  35. Oh Fabby, I love your wonderful scary, scaries, they are so cool, they table is so spooky and the whole room is just draped in scary elegant, love it all, what a wonderful job in making your home fit for the Holiday...Phyllis

  36. Frightfully creepy and wonderful. Great new dishes. Lucky you to have a daughter who would buy them for you!

    - Alma, The Tablescaper

  37. Your table looks very fun, dear Fabby! Your little grand girls would certainly enjoy it.
    I don't decorate for Halloween at all, I don't like that kind of stuff around, but I enjoyed seeing yours!
    Have fun with it.
    Hugs, Cindy

  38. Fabby I just love all of the black cobwebs all over! It really adds. What perfect black dishes! I love them. They are elegant but creepy too. You obviously are having some fun!

  39. I love your decor. We don't decorate much for Halloween, but I love handing out candy to all the kiddos.

  40. I love the plates, and the salad tongs are a riot. Looks great - Dawn @ We Call It

  41. Beautiful! I love those plates.

  42. Great tablescape Fabby, it looks like an abandoned elegant dinner party. Great job, I love it.

  43. What a spooktacular table, Fabby. I love those plates. I can just picture your little granddaughters shopping for you!
    Have a wonderful mini vacation...

  44. Even with spook stuff, you do an outstanding table setting.

  45. Hi lovely lady.
    I love all your great Ideas for Halloween sweet.
    Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my Tablescape. I hope you are having a wonderful week with your family.
    XXOO Diane

  46. Dinner for 14 is a lot of work, but it looks like you've got it together in such a way that everyone will have a great time in your spooky house.

  47. Fabby, I love your table. My favorite is also the chancy. It really looks the part. Sophia and the girls are so sweet to think of you when traveling. Love the dishes and I spotted the tongs before you wrote about them. They are soooo neat.
    Enjoy your long weekend, you deserve it. Hugs, Ginger

  48. Spooky, spooky table, Fabby! (haha!) Great job, beautiful home!

  49. Oh Fabby, I love it; cockroaches and all! lol! The salad tongs and dishes are just fabulous. Those creepy crawlies add just the right touch. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  50. Hi Fabby - the spiders are definitely creepy. Cheers

    PS I've got my very first giveaway running!

  51. Hello Fabby - you did an amazing job with this halloween themed table - love the chandelier! I am so Delighted that you shared with A Return to Loveliness,

  52. Hi Fabby! I LOVE your dishes and napkins!! Those are so "Edgar Allan Poe"!!! :)

    Thanks for linking up with Make Bake Create!


  53. Hello Fabby - wonderfully done - love those dishes! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  54. Creepy little masterpiece you have here, my dear!

  55. HAPPY HALLOWEEN Fabby! I love your decorations so much! You did a great job. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.
    Julie at

  56. ¡QuĂ© miedo! Fabby, I love those dishes! They are Fab-ulous! Pretty creepy table! So fun! Happy Halloween, mi Amiga!

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  58. Yes, I had come already and visited, but somehow didn't comment on the tongs. I love the plates too. So many fun things, especially the chandelier!

  59. I'm telling you, something new here! Those plates are ADORABLE! A beautiful and fun tablescape ;)


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