Wednesday, February 29, 2012

FABBY: Mother's Tea Party

   Hi my friends!
I just sneaked at my 82 year old mother's house just to take some pics as she's having a tea party tomorrow with her school friends, lol!  Anyhow, she had set her table already with the set of dishes in blue and white, which were a gift from us several years ago for Mother's Day and they were also designed by me at  our former Ceramic Co. We also gave my MIL a set too, but now I have a multi color. The blue and white design came from the indigenous people from the northern region of Ecuador's apparel, like blouses, skirts and even men's shirts. 
 I also took  photos of some parts of mother's home. Hope you like my post of Mother's Tea Party.  Thank you for your lovely visits, I just love it when you come over and I so appreciate it very much.

Thank you lovely ladies that host the terrific parties I can't wait to link to every week... and for having me.

She had paired the blue and white dishes, with a pink linen and rose-pink roses, this enables me to join Beverly's great Pink Saturday Party.  The dishes were made back at our Ceramic Co.
Mother is going to serve ice-cream topped with walnuts in the sherbets and later cake, small sandwiches, cookies and other sweets.  If you like there's a little bit of history about this design...not much, on the beginning of this post. 

The beautiful runner was made by mother several years ago and she also made a larger one for me, as my dining table is a bit larger than her beautiful Queen Ann dining set.
Behind the curtains there's a balcony with a great view.
My mother likes putting some grapes and berries in the bowl you see here, with two handles. You can see that it's a sieve as well, for small fruit, difficult for drying individually, so the water that's left just drips all by itself in the under plate.
I love her china cabinet, it's so beautiful. The open door at the right side of the photo leads to her kitchen.
Mother in her pretty living room...I kind of forced her to pose, lol!
This beautiful antique piece is Meissen and the cherub on the carriage is the handle of the lid.
This is another beautiful antique piece and it's a Volksted Porcelain-Germany.
I asked my mother to lend me the dinner plate so you can see it, as she wasn't using it except as serving pieces for her tea party tomorrow, so here it is.
In the salad plate mother will be serving her guests, cake and other yummy things.
In the cute sherbet she's going to serve them ice-cream with walnut garnishing. The teacups are a little bigger than the standard cups, for hot chocolate or coffee, as well.

My mother's kitchen is quite large and comfortable. She does entertain her friends a lot, sometimes she has high teas for up to 18 ladies. I usually give her a hand when there is to many guests.
She has a beautiful view from her 4th. floor apartment.

In the peninsula is were her great-grands have Christmas and Mother's Day lunch, as she always makes a wonderful luncheon for us.  Hope you liked my post on Mother's Tea Party.
 Tablescape Thursday at:
Vintage Thingies Thursday at:
It's a Party at:
Open House Party at:
Thrifty Thursday at:
Feather Your Nest Friday at:
Inspiration Friday at:
Potpourri Friday at:
Open House Party at:
Seasonal Sundays at:
Sunday Showcase Party at:
Sally's Blue Monday at:
Table Top Tuesday at:
Tea Time Tuesday at:
Tea Time Tuesday at:
Tea Cup Tuesday at:
Trish for Tea Party Tuesday at:
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday Tuesday at:
Knick of Time Tuesday at:


  1. I have a soft spot for blue china. Her's is absolutely beautiful.

  2. Your mom is an inspiration and I want to be just like her! I want to be having fun with friends and graciously entertaining when I'm her age.

    It's all really beautiful, too. I love the flowers and those awesome dishes. In fact, I all the pictures of her home.

  3. Beautiful! I love your mother's blue & white dishes! I am sure she and her friends are going to have a great time!

  4. Although your green set was lovely, I am afraid that this one has to be new favorite. Blue and white is a favorite of mine. What a lucky mother.

  5. Hi Fabby!
    Your Mother's home is fabulous! Love the blue and white table she has set for her teaparty! Great dishes and your Mom is so pretty sitting on her couch!! Thanks for sharing!
    Miss Bloomers

  6. I hope I can still be entertaining my friends when I am her age. That is wonderful and probably what keeps her young. She has some BEAUTIFUL pieces! Thanks so much for sharing her tea party and her apt. XO, Pinky

  7. Truly beautiful... as is your mother!! Love the pictures.
    Ladybug Creek

  8. Beautiful tea set...just stunning!! That's so cute that your mother was having a tea party with her school friends:D

  9. Pretty! Love the blue and white dishes and the porcelain pieces are fantastic! How sweet your grandma is "posing"!
    XO Cindy

  10. Thank you for sharing your mother's home with us, Fabby. It's lovely! Your mom is a beautiful lady, just like you and you both have the tablescaping skills. Love the blue and white dishes you gave her, reminds me of blue onion. I have a very similar Meissen piece....Christine

  11. What a charming post and what a MOST charming Mother you have! The table is lovely and I am certain your mother and her friends will be sitting around it enjoying each other immensely!

    82 and still entertaining! I am 63 and I want to be like YOR mom when I 'grow up!'

  12. Oh, Fabby, this was so fun to see your mother's beautiful place and her beautiful dishes. I am so glad you showed them individually as they are so beautiful and you need to see the salad plate's design too. What a wonderful woman and so cute to get to see her! Tell her thanks for posing!

  13. Hi Fabby ... you have your creativity from your mother, it looks so beautiful ... I never imagine Pink with blue.... it looks so nice and just a touch of serenity.... very lovely looking table...
    Your Mom is so cute Fabby....
    Hope you will enjoy a visit at
    With love

  14. Hi Fabby,
    now I know from where you inherited your sense for decoration and style. Your mothers has set the table as beautiful as you always do. The colorful ceramic is always a special eye candy for me. Equador is certainly very colorful and pretty. You catched all this in your designs masterly. Thank your mother and you for sharing this wonderful table.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  15. What treasures you have shown in this blog, but the greatest is your mother. She is lovely!

  16. Oh Fabby your Mom's tea party looks so lovely. I love blue and white. It is always so classic. And her home is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

    Jocelyn @

  17. Beautiful post Fabby. The china is very pretty. It's lovely that your mother still has tea parties and entertains her friends. Hugs, Pamela

  18. Very nice table setting and beautiful roses.


  19. hi Fabby,
    Your Mom is so lovely and what a treat today to see her lovely home. The tablescape is beautiful. The blue and white really pops on the pink tablecloth. The pattern on the tea set is so lovely. What beautiful pieces, I love the antique Missen with the cherub on top. Thanks to your mom for letting us visit.

    The French Hutch

  20. Oh darlin', your mothers tablesettin' and her home are almost as beautiful as she is!

    She and her friends are gonna have a blast and a half!!! Better keep an eye one 'em, those school buddies might get into mischief. Heeehehehe!

    This Ozark Farm Chick popped in to say 'howdy' and got to meet your beautiful Mom. My mama is 82, too!

    From the happy hills and hollers of the storm torn Missouri Ponderosa, ya'll have a blessed and beautiful day!!!

    The ladies are gonna have fun. :o)

  21. How Pretty! I love the dishes you designed!

  22. Hi Fabby,
    Another inspiring post, this time featured by your mother's beautiful home. I immediately recognized the Queen Anne style furniture from the chairs, as there are similaar ones at my parents':)
    The china is beautiful and I loved that special treat of the Meissen and Volkstedt pieces.
    Thanks for sharing it all.
    All the best for your mother and you.

  23. Hi, Fabby...well, I am still here today!!! Thank goodness!
    I so enjoyed seeing everything set up for your mother's tea party with her school friends. The blue and white china you made for her is
    stunning, such pretty figures on it. I liked her using it with a pale pink tablecloth and rosy/pink makes for delicate look, doesn't it?
    I see where you inherited your own skills at tablescapes and decorating in general. Her apartment is lovely, and I could see some of the view through the sheers...beautiful.
    I am only seven years younger than
    your mother!! (she is pretty like you are!) and I have school friends
    from sixty years ago, and we still are very close and love to get together, too, to celebrate our birthdays, special occasions, or just BECAUSE!! I think it is wonderful she still does that, too. Keeps you young!!
    Thank you once again for sharing a
    part of yourself, in the form of your mother's place today, with us, everything is gorgeous, as usual. You have a rich inheritance and family.....
    Have a happy weekend!!
    Hugs to you, sweet friend, Francy

  24. Fabby, thanks for sharing your mom's tea party. What an inspiration to be hosting a lovely party for friends. I hope I'm still doing this in my 80s. She has a beautiful home. ~ Sarah

  25. Beautiful cheery paired with the pink linens.

  26. Felicitaciones por tener una mamá tan guapa. La presentación de la mesa me gustó mucho porque me encanta la cerámica azul y blanca, pero lo que me llamó la atención fueron las perforaciones del bowl¿Es para escurrir el agua de la fruta?
    Beso Fabby y es un placer para la vista recorrer tus entradas.
    Cariños desde Argentina

  27. Stunning! Absolutely stunning. What a beautiful gift!!

  28. I see where you learned your entertaining skills! I love the blue and white pattern, and if God looked kindly on coveting, I'd covet the large bowl with the sieve. Since He doesn't look kindly on coveting, I've decided that I'll be thrilled for your mom to have such a marvelous piece to use when entertaining. I'm so glad that you were able to share her party with us. Thanks! Cherry Kay

  29. Oh this is just as pretty the second time around sweetie!

    I just wanted to thank ya for visitin' with your sweet comment and hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya enjoy the ride.

    I try to get a new post up 'bout every seven to ten days. I'm runnin' behind here....MIL health issues.

    God bless and in the word of that wacky old Granny Clampett, "ya'll come back now, ya hear!!!" :o)

  30. Love a tea party...and such a lovely table! You have a cute mama.

  31. Wow! Mother's runner is gorgeous & her table setting is so inviting. The roses just make the blues pop, Fabby. Beautiful.

    I hope you will pop by to help us bring 'angel love' for a young girl who is sick.

    Thank you.
    Have a beautiful PS weekend ~

  32. Fabby,
    What a lovely tablescape for your Mother's Tea Party! I love how the pink truly accents the blue & white china! Your Mother's kitchen is awesome! Have a wonderful Tea, dear friend and celebrate every day you have with your Mother!

  33. Why am I not surprised that your mother would have such wonderful and elegant taste? Those dishes are so bright and cheerful, and her table is sweet and inviting!

  34. Hi Fabby, your mom blue china is so beautiful and her house so beautiful she look nice and pretty God bless her

  35. Fabby, this china is outstanding. You have a beautiful eye for design. I really like this blue china. Your mother is a very beautiful lady and her wonderful taste is seen in her lovely home. xo marlis

  36. I've come over from Jacqueline's Purple Chocolate Home. What a lovely blog - beautiful table settings and gentle style. I look forward to coming back to visit again.

  37. Beautiful, Fabby!
    I LOVE the figurines!!
    And her blue and white dishes are to die for!!

    Thanks so much for sharing!!


  38. Fabby, this might be my favorite post of all the wonderful tables you have shown us! I love the blue/white combination AND I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your design! You are so talented! Your mom is a lovely lady! So beautiful! What was on the menu? I bet your mom had some awesome food as well!

  39. Hello... Your story with your Mom touched my heart. How lovely that your Mother can have teas with her childhood friends. We should all be so lucky. I love that. Her home is beautiful and you are a special daughter for sharing this with us.
    I'm your newest follower, please accept this invite to come visit and follow me...I'd love to meet and greet you when you get a chance.

    Have a funfilled weekend...

  40. Fabby I would be absolutely financially broke if I had ever visited your ceramic company. I love every pattern that you show us. Another beautiful table!!!

  41. I love it that at 82 years of age your Mom still loves to entertain in style! Please let her know that many of us here in blog land applaud her!!!! She keeps a lovely home, and she obviously has a wonderful sense of style. It is quite apparent where YOUR sense of style comes from! I hope the event was a successful and happy one all around!

  42. Your mom is so beautiful and graceful,Fabby:) I hope when I'm her age I'm still able to entertain like her! She has a beautiful house and I love the views from her rooms. The blue and white china pattern is so exquisite and I love it! Beautiful inspiring post! Thanks for letting us take a peek.Hope your mom had a fine time visiting her friends:) Happy weekend to you!~Poppy

  43. Fabby, Thanks for sharing your mom's lovely table setting for her friends. The china is gorgeous and I can just imagine her friends will be thrilled at her thoughtfulness, and pretty table. Please thank your mom for letting us see her lovely home. Hugs,

  44. Fabby, I just love these dishes! Kudos to your mother, where can I order these dishes? New to your blog, but I will be back
    Thanks, Lisa

  45. Such a gorgeous blue and white table, Fabby. Thank you so much for these wonderful images of you mother's table.

  46. WOW!!!!!!!!

    You designed that awesome china????

    And I would have never EVER thought to use a soft pink tablecloth with blue and white china but it is perfect. I have only used white and a soft yellow in the past.

    VERY VERY VERY well done!

    Your mother is too adorable, and what a lovely tablescape!

  47. Hi Fabby! I posted your wonderful giveaway gift last night! Everyone loves it but they also love your handwriting! You have exquisite handwriting - I definitely agree - the most beautiful I have seen. Thank you again so much!

  48. That is such a sweet and precious tablescape & beautiful room. Your Mom is lovely, too!

  49. Your MIL's home is beautiful and she sets a very pretty table. I love the pottery that your company made, so pretty!
    I especially like her pretty white kitchen. She has wonderful taste.
    Hugs, Cindy

  50. Oh, Fabby ... I see that your decorating flare runs in the family! I love your Mother's tea tablescape. Love the blue and white. What a lovely apartment she has with some lovely collections. Thank you for the brief tour! Hugs----

  51. Your mother is so pretty. How wonderful that she's setting such a pretty table and entertaining friends. Those blue dishes are gorgeous!

  52. Your mother is so pretty. How wonderful that she's setting such a pretty table and entertaining friends. Those blue dishes are gorgeous!

  53. How wonderful your mother entertains at 82. Hope I will do that too. Glad she is in good health to enjoy life so well. Her pink linens look great with the blue. You did a wonderful job designing the ceramic set. Appreciate being able to see the dinner plate as well. Hugs to your Mom.

  54. Stopping by from the Sunday Showcase Party!

  55. Hi Fabby! First of all, your little mother is just beautiful and doesn't look her age. I see that beauty runs in your family! :) The blue and white china is just gorgeous and to think you designed it! How very special. Your mother's table looks gorgeous and I'm sure her lady friends will love the tea party. Her kitchen is very nice and so big. Looks like she has a very nice place to live.
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  56. What a wonderful hostess your mother must be. I just love her home and her lovely blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Fabby.

  57. Oh I adore the Meissen!

    I hope you'll stop by my blog. I am hosting a giveaway for a $50 Kirklands gift card.

  58. Fabby, You are so talented! The blue design on those dishes is just beautiful!

    It was very special to see your mother's home. It is clear where you got your gracious hostess skills and "eye" for beauty!

    Thank you for creating this post!

  59. Beautiful settings with the blue china ware.

    Visiting for Blue Monday-hope you can stop by:)

  60. Your mother's china is beautiful! Like you, she is very talented at composing a table. And what a cute apartment! Thank you for sharing at Potpourri Friday! I appreciate your participation!

  61. The blue china is so beautiful, as is everything on the table.

    Your mother is beautiful, just like you. She's really an inspiration!!!
    Her home is so lovely!

  62. Beautiful party beautiful family love your photos thanks for sharing please come and refollow me lost my blog last week joann

  63. Beautiful party beautiful family love your photos thanks for sharing please come and refollow me lost my blog last week joann

  64. Oh is easy to see where you got your love of pretty things! Your mother's tablescape is gorgeous as is her entire home.

    I hope I'm still having tea with my friends when I'm 82!!! Please wish her well & thank her for letting you share her home with us.


  65. Oh, How beautiful! The dishes are gorgeous!

  66. Fabby, everything looks great! Your Mom sounds amazing :)

  67. Wow, she's beautiful and so is her home and daughter! Love that china and her table is laid out beautifully!

  68. Hi Fabby, I'm just catching up with you. I've been out of town. Your mother's home is beautiful. Her table is exquisite. Those beautiful dishes just make me smile. Thanks for sharing this delightful post.

  69. I can see you take after your Mom, everything looks lovely -- especially the dishware you gifted her with from your ceramics company!


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